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There are some recommended hotels to stay during the contest day. These hotels are located near to the contest location.
- Hotel Atlet Century Park
Jl. Pintu senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Tlp (62-21) 571 2041, Fax (62-21) 571 2191 Email: hacp@rad.net.id
Website: www.atletcentury.com or www.hotelatletceentury.com
Below is a Map showing direction from Hotel Atlet Century Park to The Joseph Wibowo (center location)
Hotel Mega Anggrek
Jl. Arjuna Selatan No. 4, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Tlp. (62-21) 536 3044/45, Reservasi (62-01) 5367 00 09, Fax (62-21) 5367 00 44
Contact Person: sdri Devi, sdri Felicia, dan sdri Iin
Hotel Ciputra Jakarta
Jl. Letnan Jendral S.Parman, Jakarta 11470, Indonesia
Tlp. (62-21) 566 0640, Fax (62-21) 566 1172
Email: jakarta@swiss-belhotel.com
Website: www.swiss-belhotel.com
Below is a Map showing direction from Hotel Ciputra to The Joseph Wibowo Center (Contest Location)