
There are some recommended hotels to stay during the contest day. These hotels are located near to the contest location.

  1. Atlet Century Park Hotel
    Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta - 10270
    Ph. +62 21 5712041, Fax. +62 21 5712139
    Website : Atlet Century Park Hotel
    * All prices including Tax and service.
    1 US $ = 9090 Rupiahs (source - per July 27th 2010 : )

    Note :
    Hotel's prices listed above are special corporate prices. To get this special prices, booking should be made by BINUS UNIVERSITY. Please send us your itinerary and we will book the hotel for your team. And we suggest you to make a payment in local currency (Indonesian Rupiah).

  2. Banian Bulevar Hotel

    Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Kav. 1, Jakarta Barat - 11470
    Ph. +62 21 5607333, Fax. +62 21 5669933

    * All prices including Tax and service.
    1 US $ = 9090 Rupiahs (source - per July 27th 2010 : )

    Note :
    Hotel's prices listed above are special corporate prices. To get this special prices, booking should be made by BINUS UNIVERSITY. Please send us your itinerary and we will book the hotel for your team. And we suggest you to make a payment in local currency (Indonesian Rupiah).

  3. Mega Anggrek Hotel
    Jl. Arjuna Selatan No. 4, Jakarta Barat - 11470
    Ph. +62 21 5363044/45, Fax. +62 21 53670044
    Website : Mega Anggrek Hotel
    * All prices including Tax and service.
    1 US $ = 9090 Rupiahs (source - per July 27th 2010 : )
    Note :
    Hotel's prices listed above are special corporate prices. To get this special prices, booking should be made by BINUS UNIVERSITY. Please send us your itinerary and we will book the hotel for your team. And we suggest you to make a payment in local currency (Indonesian Rupiah).

  4. Menara Peninsula Hotel
    Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 78 - Slipi, Jakarta 11410
    Ph. +62 21 5350888, Fax. +62 21 5359838
    Website : Menara Peninsula
    * All prices including Tax and service.
    1 US $ = 9090 Rupiahs (source - per July 27th 2010 : )

    Note :
    Hotel's prices listed above are special corporate prices. To get this special prices, booking should be made by BINUS UNIVERSITY. Please send us your itinerary and we will book the hotel for your team. And we suggest you to make a payment in local currency (Indonesian Rupiah).

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