ACM-ICPC Indonesia National Contest 2013

Problem D

Hongkong Boss War

Time Limit: 4 seconds

Last month, Windarik was fired from his job as a secret agent. He was not depressed though. He thought it was a good start to pursue his dream job as a professional gamer. Windarik started his practice with a current famous MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game) called "Hongkong Boss War".

What is this game about?

This game is all about beating bad bosses that live in Hongkong underground quarter. The underground quarter consists of several levels where each level is led by one boss. New player has to start from the lowest level and beat the boss in each level sequentially in order to proceed to the next level boss.

How to beat a boss?

Each boss is vulnerable against two particular weapons. A player can only win the fight if he has one of those two weapons.

How to get a weapon?

A player has to go for a quest in order to get a weapon. Player can always play any quest at any given time as there are no pre-requisites for each quest. When the player wins a quest, he gets to choose one of the two weapons that are provided as the reward. Of course, the weapon choices are known prior to the quest. A player has to be careful in choosing the weapon because the other weapon which is rejected as a reward will not appear in any other quest anymore. Indeed, the fun aspect of playing this game is in the strategy of choosing the correct reward in order to defeat as many bosses as possible.

What is the main purpose of the game?

To beat the final boss at the highest level. Rumour said that once a player win the game, they will get rich instantly. Of course it is only a rumour, but it is worth a try, isn't it.

Okay, Windarik is ready to play and win, but he is too lazy to think. He gave you the list of quests with their two weapon rewards and the list of bosses for each level along with their weakness. He commanded you, again, as his unpaid intern, to tell him: what is the highest possible level he can complete in this game?


The first line of input contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 1,000) the number of cases. Each case begins with two integers Q and B (1 ≤ Q, B ≤ 100) denoting the number of quests and bosses in this game. The next Q lines each contains two integers Ci and Di (1 ≤ Ci, Di ≤ 2 * Q) denoting the two weapons choice for the ith quest. All weapons are number from 1 to 2 * Q and will appear exactly once in the list of quest. The next B lines each contains two integers Ei and Fi (1 ≤ Ei, Fi ≤ 2 * Q) denoting the weakness of the boss in ith level. Note that some bosses might share the same weakness with other bosses in different levels. It is also possible for a boss to have its Ei equals to its Fi, which means it is only vulnerable against one particular weapon.


For each case, output in a line the "Case #X: Y" where X is the case number starts from 1, and Y is the highest possible level any player can get in Boss Castle.

Sample InputOutput for Sample Input
4 5
4 1
8 5
2 6
3 7
4 3
8 1
4 8
4 2
6 3
2 5
1 2
3 4
1 3
2 4
1 4
3 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 1
2 2
Case #1: 5
Case #2: 3
Case #3: 1

Explanation for the 1st sample input.

Choosing the first weapon on each quest (4, 8, 2, 3) can bring the player to level 5 (defeating all bosses from level 1 to level 5).

Explanation for the 2nd sample input.

Choosing the weapon 1 from the 1st quest and weapon 4 from the 2st quest allows the player to defeat all bosses from level 1 up to level 3.

Explanation for the 3rd sample input.

The boss on level-1 is only vulnerable to weapon 1, while the boss on level-2 is only vulnerable to weapon 2. However, the player can only get either weapon 1 or weapon 2, not both.