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Final Result

The result has been finalized.

There is no change on the scoreboard. We observed some plagiarism acts (on low rank teams), but none is found within the TOP 50 teams.

Congratulation to the TOP 50 teams!

See you in December at ICPC 2014 Regional Jakarta (along with TOP 5 CompFest, TOP 5 ICPC 2014 Provincial Sumatra, and foreign teams).

Pending Result

INC 2014 has just finished!

Good work for all teams. You can view the scoreboard here, but it is not final until we have done the plagiarism check on Top 50 teams.


Practice Session Saturday, 8 November 2014 13.00 - 15.00 WIB 2 hours
Contest (INC 2014) Sunday, 9 November 2014 10.00 - 15.00 WIB 5 hours

About Practice Session

There was a problem in the practice session where few submissions were mistakenly judged as
"No - Compile Error". We indeed acknowledge this problem (we suspect this is due to bugs introduced by the new judge system) and rejudged all Compile Error submissions. The matters have been taken care, and hopefully the same things will not happen in the real contest (Sunday).

Please note that some Compile Error submissions are indeed compile error; most of them usually caused by C++ submissions which used void main() instead of int main() – please note the compiler version used, C/C++ submission should use int main(). Also note that the filename for Java submission should be the same as the classname.


C/C++ : MinGW 4.4.1
» g++ -Wl,-stack=0x4000000 file.cpp -o file.exe
Java : Java 1.6.0_24
» javac filename.java
» java -Xmx64M -Xss64M classname
Max. stack size : 64 MB
Max. Java heap size : 64 MB

Note for Java submission:
– File name SHOULD BE the same as class name; otherwise it will be judged as "No - Compile Error".
– DO NOT use package; otherwise it will be judged as "No - Runtime Error".

Note for C/C++ submission:
– Main function should be int type, i.e. int main(); otherwise it might be judged as "No - Compile Error".

Note for any submission:
– DO NOT output any unnecessary text which did not asked by the problem (e.g., "Masukan Input:");
otherwise it will be judged as "No - Wrong Answer".

Contact Number

If you have problem with your login, please contact one of the following numbers:

0812 9872 7348 VN
0813 7535 3455 SO

Questions regarding problem statements should be asked via the clarification system (you have to logged in first).


