ACM-ICPC Indonesia National Contest 2013

Problem B

Best Alignment

Time Limit: 3s

Given two sequences of positive integer A = { a1, a2, ...,aN } and B = { b1, b2 ..., bM } where N ≥ M, you have to find the value of the best alignment of A and B.

An A-B alignment is defined as below:

An alignment is defined as best if it has the greatest value among all other possible alignments.

For example, let A = { 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 4 } and B = { 3, 4, 5 }. There are plenty of ways to align B with A, e.g.:

Given A and B, determine the value of the best alignment of A and B.


The first line of input contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 100) the number of cases. Each case begins with two integers N and M (1 ≤ M ≤ N ≤ 1,000) denoting the size of A and B respectively. The next line contains N integers ai (1 ≤ ai ≤ 1,000) denoting the member of A where i = 1..N. The following line contains M integers bj (1 ≤ bj ≤ 1,000) denoting the member of B where j = 1..M.


For each case, output in a line the "Case #X: Y" where X is the case number starts from 1, and Y is the value of best alignment for each case.

Sample InputOutput for Sample Input
6 3
6 1 5 3 7 4
3 4 5
5 5
6 2 4 5 4
3 3 6 1 2
4 1
70 40 100 80
5 2
15 130 35 800 1
100 10
Case #1: 73
Case #2: 61
Case #3: 300
Case #4: 80010

Explanation for the 2nd sample input.

There is only one possible alignment (A and B are already in equal size).

Explanation for the 3rd sample input.

B only has 1 element, thus the best alignment can be found by aligning this value with the largest value in A.

Explanation for the 4th sample input.

The best alignment is:

 15 130  35 800   1
  0   0   0 100  10
and the value is (800 * 100) + (1 * 10) = 80010.